Sattva Specialty Wall

What is Wall Yoga…

Wall yoga was designed as a way to deepen your access to yoga poses and explore proper alignement. The use of the “hammock”, securely attached to the wall, provides both support and resistance, allowing decompression of joints and, ultimately, a much freer range of motion in the body.

Benefits of Wall Yoga…

Wall yoga safely provides the opportunity to explore deeper chest openers, spinal extensions, inversions and standing poses. The support provided by the wall can allow the practitioner to hold poses with less strain on the physical body; providing space for a deeper awareness of the breath and a more profound release of the muscles. It’s a wonderful way to build strength, increase flexibility and improve one’s awareness of the constant play between ease and effort that we seek in our yoga practices.

Who is Wall Yoga for…

Wall yoga is suitable for all levels. Whether you’re looking to refine your practice, improve strength and flexibility or safely explore poses like back bends and inversions, this practice is for you. Once you try it, you’ll be hooked!

To quote one wall yoga practitioner…”It’s so incredibly empowering!”